Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Octave, Friday, 13-04-12

Acts 4:1-12 / John 21:1-14

The proper name Jesus is a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua, and it was a common name in the biblical times as well as a popular personal name among the Hispanic Christians.

The common meaning of that name is God saves or God is salvation, or it can also mean "God is my help".

In the religious context, the name Jesus refers to Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity.

In the 1st reading, we heard how Peter proclaimed the name of Jesus.

Peter proclaimed Jesus as the Christ, the Nazarene, who was crucified and was raised from the dead and it was through Him that the crippled man was healed.

Furthermore, Peter emphasized that the name of Jesus does not just have a meaning but it was in the person of Jesus that salvation has become a reality.

In the gospel, the disciples do not address Jesus by name but they used the title "Lord" - It is the Lord!

The disciples understood that Jesus is the risen Lord and the Saviour of all creation.

In our prayer let us also meditate on the name of Jesus. Yet it is not just another name but it is the Lord Jesus whom we are encountering.

May the risen Lord Jesus also enter into our hearts and fill us with His saving love.